Sunday, December 29, 2013

Late on the Scene: Frozen is a bit frosty....

Hello there, after a long hiatus I have decided to return to the blogosphere. Sorry, but I was in school and I recently had my first child so, I have been a bit busy.
So let me just start with the obvious, I was not a big fan of the film. I thought it was good but it borrowed too much from other films, the songs were not as catchy as their originals, and the ending was Frozen.
If you are still here let me explain. I will admit I went in there with every intention to hate this movie. Every trailer I saw billed the movie as "Kristen Bell is an awkward princess in a frozen kingdom just looking for love, oh yeah, and the evil Snow Queen who froze the kingdom is her sister.... (shot of Ana saying "Awkward!"). Oh and here is our Jar Jar of the movie, Olaf, I'm sure you will hate every second he is on screen." Now if you haven't gotten outraged, let me say, I actually was surprised that I liked the movie. It wasn't Tangled or Wreck-It Ralph but it was still a good movie. To me it was on par of Pocahontas, it was good but it wasn't amazing.
Some of my favorite scenes were with Kristoff and Sven. I loved these two. Kristoff reminded me of myself with his almost split personality with Sven, always talking for him and conversing with him. I do the same with my dog, Mutteray Jack.
Olaf, was surprisingly hilarious. Though almost everyone of his scenes were in the trailer, I enjoyed his screen time. He was a good comedic relief. He was surely one of every kid's favorite characters.
Now the songs were good but oddly familiar. Oddly familiar because they were almost exactly the songs from Tangled. I liked "For the First Time in Forever" but it sounds like "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin." If you don't believe me, then go buy the Frozen soundtrack (if you haven't already) and do what I did and listen to both of these songs back to back. You'll hear it, I guarantee it.
Now I am not too worried about spoilers since the movie has been out for over a month but SPOILER ALERT!
Most of the movie was actually pretty well developed. The characters were great. Ana was very likable and Kristoff was a great kind of anti-prince. Elsa was pretty good but she had some issues. I felt she came off a little selfish but I understood that she was raised to be ashamed of her powers but "Let It Go"  was a teenage angst/rebellion song. Now that was all understandable but the ending was rushed and bad.
Now I knew going into this movie that the end was going to be about the sisters breaking the curse but the execution was terrible. They defied all convention and went against the "True Love's Kiss" but I felt it was underwhelming. The film builds up to the "True Love's Kiss" and then the swerve left to reveal it's the sacrificial act of Ana that breaks her own deathlike fate. WHY!!!??? It did not hit like the kiss would. It also seemed weird that Ana kind of saved herself. It seemed a bit ridiculous. Like I said, underwhelming.
Now that I'm off my soapbox, overall it was an enjoyable enough film with some catchy (yet familiar) tunes. I am sure every kid and, the kid inside you, will be singing along ("Do you want to build a snowman...."). Also if you haven't already, get the children's book of it, great artwork!