Sunday, February 3, 2013

Late on the Scene: Star Wars Episode VII: Super 8

Hey there, sorry, it's been about two weeks since I have blogged a thing. On January 25, 2013, Walt Disney Studios announced that they had selected a director for Star Wars: Episode VII. In a great surprise, it turned out to be one of the first directors who counted himself out of the race, J.J. Abrams. Now how this will effect the look and feel of Star Wars is yet to be seen but I had some thoughts on the issue.
I was first of all surprised that they would have selected the guy who is doing the Star Trek films to do Star Wars too. I know a lot of people gripe that what the prequel trilogy of Star Wars needed was George Lucas to step back because he was way too concerned with effects than story but are we really going to let someone control all Sci Fi? J.J. Abrams already has the Star Trek franchise, so are we going to see a crossover of themes and look?

And don't get me started with the look. I really hope Abrams doesn't bring his camera flare to Star Wars. It will be a huge detractor. I feel his directorial style is just too artsy for Star Wars. Star Wars is filmed more cinematic look (the original trilogy anyway).
I do have some positives though. I love that Abrams is more about practicals than special effects. I also love his films' storytelling. It will be nice to have an interwoven Star Wars universe again, where the writing will be written out in advance, rather than mangled together. I hope that they are planning to write it in a somewhat Lost sense, where you there are hints of things to come all through the first couple films.
Well, no matter what I think or anyone thinks, this is happening. I must say, if I see a Darth Locke in Star Wars: Episode VII, I'd be content!